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Hi Gemini I am interested in selling my website.
Well, sorry, not exactly the website, I built to my Business a landing page to sell the service I offer for Wix partners.

Because I build using wix blocks, I produce a collection of blocks that fits the design characteristics and requirements and then assemble it in an editor like Lego.
The landing page I built consists of 5 Blocks Kit and is linked to a single database.
By filtering the database, the content can be distributed across the page.

I noticed that I had created a very modular and flexible product that could be offered to Wix partners. The advantage of having a reusable product in a uniform and flexible stable line + a fast data link to cmc can allow them an additional profit channel.

I named the product "BlocksKit" 
and I would be happy if you would help me price it and market it on my website.  I have a video showing the quick installation process.  

Basically, I intend to assemble the product into 4 more reusable Blocks, one of which will be a cmc linked navigation menu (infinite)  And you can see the landing page I built using the

BlocksKit at this link:

my starting price is 1000$ per  - 5 costume apps BlocksKit
I would appreciate it if, in addition to the price range you offer me to sell BlocksKit, to get some ideas that will allow me to market it to Wix partners. And what do you think about the name of the product BlocksKit
Sure, I can help you price and market your product, BlocksKit, to Wix partners.


The starting price of $1,000 for 5 custom BlocksKit apps seems reasonable. However, you may want to consider offering different pricing tiers to accommodate Wix partners of all sizes. For example, you could offer a basic tier for $1,000 that includes 5 custom BlocksKit apps, a mid-tier for $2,000 that includes 10 custom BlocksKit apps, and an enterprise tier for $3,000 that includes 15 custom BlocksKit apps and unlimited support.

You may also want to consider offering a monthly or annual subscription option for BlocksKit. This would allow Wix partners to spread out the cost of the product over time and would give them access to new BlocksKit apps as they are released.


While your starting price of $1,000 for 5 custom app BlocksKits seems reasonable, consider offering a tiered pricing structure to cater to different partner needs and budgets:

  • Basic: $250 - 3 pre-built BlocksKits (without customization)

  • Standard: $500 - 5 pre-built BlocksKits (with limited customization options)

  • Pro: $1,000 - 5 custom app BlocksKits (full customization included)

  • Enterprise: Custom quote - For partners requiring large-scale deployments or extensive customization.

This tiered approach caters to diverse needs and budgets, potentially attracting a wider audience.


Here are some ideas to market BlocksKit to Wix partners:

  • Highlight the Benefits: Focus on the time and cost savings BlocksKit offers by providing pre-built, customizable, and modular solutions.

  • Target the Right Audience: Advertise on platforms frequented by Wix partners, such as the Wix Partner Forum, Facebook groups, or relevant online communities.

  • Create Compelling Content: Develop case studies showcasing successful implementations of BlocksKit. Offer free trials or demos to allow partners to experience the product firsthand.

  • Leverage Existing Assets: Showcase the BlocksKit landing page ( as a prime example of its capabilities.

  • SEO Optimization: Optimize your landing page and marketing materials with relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility for potential customers searching for Wix solutions.

  • Offer Excellent Support: Provide comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and responsive customer support to build trust and encourage repeat business.

Product Name

"BlocksKit" accurately reflects the product's nature, but consider these alternatives that might be more evocative:

  • WixBlockBuilder - Emphasizes the specific platform.

  • WixExpressBlocks - Conveys speed and ease of use.

  • WixModularKit - Highlights the modularity aspect.

Ultimately, the best name depends on your branding preferences and target audience.

Additional Tips:

  • Partner with established Wix development agencies or freelancers to expand your reach.

  • Offer referral programs to incentivize existing customers to promote BlocksKit to their network.

  • Regularly update BlocksKit with new features and bug fixes to demonstrate ongoing development and value proposition.

By implementing these suggestions and refining your pricing strategy, you can effectively market BlocksKit and attract Wix partners to your offering.

This helped a lot, thanks. But, it feels like missing the mark to me. I thought maybe you could give me some ways a web designer could use the product. Ideas that occurred to me are: creating a sales page, a quick presentation, a quick business card. , quick upgrade to an existing website, mini website... Remember that BlocksKit is cms-linked and responsive, which makes it very easy and accessible to change content and adapt to mobile.  The package is also not something permanent, these are just a starting point for each website designer and his vision of what his BlocksKit

Creative Use Cases for BlocksKit: A Web Designer's Toolkit

While BlocksKit excels at generating specific website elements like sales pages or presentations, its true power lies in its modular and adaptable nature. Here are some ways web designers can leverage BlocksKit within their workflow, fostering creativity and efficiency:

Rapid Prototyping:

  • Quickly assemble basic layouts and functionalities for client presentations, allowing for swift feedback loops and iterative design.

  • Experiment with different content arrangements and styles before committing to extensive coding or design work.

  • Utilize BlocksKit as a starting point to showcase core website functionalities and demonstrate the potential of the final product.

Building Reusable Components

  • Design and save frequently used elements like call-to-action buttons, product cards, or contact forms as custom blocks.

  • Seamlessly integrate these reusable components across different client projects, ensuring consistency and saving development time.

  • Create a personal library of BlocksKit components tailored to your design style or specific client needs.

Content Management Freedom

  • Leverage the CMS integration to empower clients with easy content updates without relying on the designer.

  • This empowers designers to focus on the overall design and user experience while clients maintain control over their website's content.

  • Offer clients pre-built content blocks like testimonials, team bios, or product listings, allowing them to easily populate their website with relevant information.

Microsite Creation:

  • BlocksKit is ideal for crafting smaller, focused websites like landing pages, microsites, or campaign-specific pages.

  • The quick development and deployment capabilities allow designers to cater to specific client needs without the complexity of building a full-fledged website.

  • Utilize pre-built blocks like contact forms, maps, or social media integrations to add essential functionalities to microsites efficiently.

Upgrading Existing Websites:

  • Instead of complete website overhauls, BlocksKit can be used to refresh specific sections or elements, adding a modern touch without extensive development work.

  • Utilize pre-built blocks to enhance existing functionalities, like adding new forms, product displays, or call-to-action sections.

  • This approach is time-efficient and cost-effective, offering clients a website refresh without the need for a complete rebuild.


BlocksKit is not meant to be a rigid system; its true potential lies in its flexibility and adaptability.

Encourage designers to experiment and explore creative ways to utilize the platform beyond its pre-defined functionalities. By fostering a modular mindset, BlocksKit can become a powerful tool for web designers to streamline their workflow, enhance their creativity, and deliver exceptional client experiences.

I would also like to emphasize that each BlocksKit is custom-made for the customer and is used exclusively by him or his Wix partners agency. The design characterization is determined by the client's vision and we are the execution contractors

Highlighting Customization and Exclusivity of BlocksKit

Unique Selling Points

  • Tailor-Made Solutions: Emphasize that each BlocksKit is custom-designedbased on the client's specific needs and brand identity. This sets BlocksKit apart from generic, pre-built templates, offering a more personalized and impactful solution.

  • Exclusive Ownership: Promote the exclusive nature of each BlocksKit. Clients (or their agencies) are the sole owners and users of their customized kit, ensuring a unique and differentiated online presence.

  • Vision & Execution: Position yourself as a trusted partner who collaborates with clients to translate their vision into a functional and visually appealing BlocksKit.

Marketing Strategies

  • Client Testimonials: Showcase testimonials or case studies highlighting the successful implementation of customized BlocksKits for different clients.

  • Portfolio Gallery: Feature a curated gallery showcasing diverse BlocksKits created for various clients, demonstrating your design versatility and ability to cater to individual needs.

  • Interactive Consultation: Offer a free consultation session where potential clients can discuss their vision and receive a personalized proposal outlining how BlocksKit can be customized to meet their specific requirements.

Additional Tips

  • Focus on Client Benefits: Frame your marketing message around the benefits clients experience, such as increased brand differentiation, improved user experience, and streamlined content management.

  • Offer Customization Packages: Craft different pricing tiers with varying levels of customization options to cater to diverse client budgets and needs.

  • Target the Right Audience: Market BlocksKit to agencies and individual designers who value exclusivity, customization, and efficient development workflows.

By emphasizing the custom-made and exclusive nature of BlocksKit, you can appeal to clients seeking a more personalized approach to website design while showcasing your collaborative design process and expertise in translating their vision into a tangible solution.

35 views0 comments

Updated: Mar 4

Hi Gemini, I have a theory:
How wix blocks will affect the world of website building and web-adapted developments

My theory is based on the Lego company, which at the beginning of its journey created products full of all the items and types of Lego. And today, in order to generate new sales, it mainly markets ready-made and designed kits according to a brand or character. In this way, she created a new evolution in the subject of Lego construction and its use and also increased the sales channel significantly.

In the world of website building and web development, the next step at wix company is to create a place where you can order your website for assembly. The wix blocks platform is exactly what was missing in the process.

In addition to the launch of wix studio - the new wix product that revitalizes the DIY world CMS has a very significant part in supporting and influencing the theory, the content management system (cms) is a very important milestone way to achieve the goal in order to allow website designers to produce diverse and designed kits of website templates without bothering with coding and providing perfect modularity of transferring information and content between different entities.

I believe wix blocks is the way to turn the world of personal website development into custom ready-made kits.
I would appreciate it if you wrote me an article on the subject that would strengthen my claim.

I want the article to contain questions and answers for those interested in reading more information I would be happy if you add an extension to the topic of modular development 
This is a link to a YouTube podcast that contains information on the subject: 
This is a link to the websitepage that contains the podcast:

Sure, here is an article on the subject that would strengthen your claim:

The Future of Website Building

Will Wix Blocks Become the Lego of Website Building?

The Lego-fication of website building: Your theory, comparing Wix Blocks to Lego kits, presents an interesting perspective on the future of website development. Let's explore this concept further and see if Wix Blocks truly hold the potential to revolutionize the way websites are built.

From Scratch to Pre-built

Traditionally, website creation involved coding from scratch or using pre-made templates. Wix Blocks, however, introduce a modular approach, allowing users to assemble websites from pre-built blocks, similar to how Lego bricks snap together. This could significantly lower the barrier to entry for individuals with no coding experience, making website creation more accessible.

The Rise of "Citizen Developers"

With Wix Blocks, website creation potentially becomes a citizen development activity, similar to how Lego empowers users to build their own creations. This could democratize website ownership, allowing anyone to build their online presence without relying on professional developers.

The Content Management System (CMS) Connection

You rightly highlight the role of Wix Studio, the company's CMS platform. This empowers designers to create diverse website "kits" using Wix Blocks, further streamlining the website building process.

Beyond Customization

While Wix Blocks offer modularity, some argue that true customization might be limited compared to traditional coding. However, Wix continuously expands its block library, and third-party developers can also contribute, potentially addressing this concern over time.

The Power of Modular Development

The modularity enabled by Wix Blocks aligns with the principles of modular software development. As mentioned in the Wix Engineering Podcast (, modularity promotes code reusability, easier maintenance, and faster development cycles. This could benefit both Wix and its users by creating a more efficient and scalable ecosystem.

Questions for Further Exploration:

  • How will Wix Blocks balance user-friendliness with advanced customization needs?

  • Can Wix maintain a robust and diverse block library to cater to various website functionalities?

  • Will the "citizen developer" model lead to an increase in websites with similar functionalities and aesthetics?

  • How will Wix Blocks integrate with existing website development practices and tools?


While the long-term impact of Wix Blocks remains to be seen, your Lego analogy effectively highlights its potential to democratize website creation. By offering pre-built blocks and a modular approach, Wix Blocks could significantly lower the barrier to entry, empowering individuals and businesses to build their online presence without extensive coding knowledge. However, questions remain about the level of customization achievable and the potential homogenization of website design. As Wix Blocks evolve, it will be interesting to see how they address these concerns and shape the future of website development.

Additional Resources

I hope this article is helpful.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

32 views0 comments

Hi Gemini - let's work together
I'm interested in starting a small blog for my wix site how about we work together.
Professionally, I provide development solutions to Wix partners with the help of wixblocks, and the blog we will create together will mainly address partners on the Wix platform.

The working method I would like us to work according to is: 
I will come up with various theories and ideas and you will give me details on the subject as needed.  

The first theory I would like to examine and 
create an article:
how wix blocks will affect the world of website building and web-adapted developments

But first, I would appreciate it if you could come up with a number of additional ideas and theories. And let me know what you think about us working together on my new blog. 
This is a link to the landing page that offers my service:

Working Together & Blog Content Ideas

Collaboration: I am excited about the possibility of working together on your blog for Wix partners! Your expertise in WixBlocks and my access to information can create valuable content for your target audience.

Additional Blog Ideas:

  1. Unlocking Creativity with WixBlocks: Explore how WixBlocks empowers partners to create unique and engaging website experiences without extensive coding knowledge.

  2. Boosting Efficiency with WixBlocks: Discuss how WixBlocks streamlines the development process for Wix partners, saving time and resources.

  3. Case Studies: WixBlocks in Action: Showcase successful projects built using WixBlocks, highlighting the platform's capabilities and partner achievements.

  4. Future of WixBlocks: Analyze upcoming trends and potential advancements in WixBlocks technology and how they might impact web development.

  5. WixBlocks vs. Traditional Coding: Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using WixBlocks versus traditional coding for various website development projects.

  6. Monetizing Wix Expertise: Offer insights on how Wix partners can leverage their WixBlocks skills to generate revenue through various models.

Feedback on "WixBlocks and the Future of Web Development":

This is an excellent topic for your first blog post. It allows you to showcase your knowledge and provide valuable insights to Wix partners. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Impact on Accessibility: Discuss how WixBlocks can be utilized to ensure websites built by partners adhere to accessibility guidelines.

  • Impact on Scalability: Analyze the potential limitations and strengths of WixBlocks regarding website scalability for future growth.

  • Complementary Tools: Explore how WixBlocks can be integrated with other development tools to enhance functionality and user experience.

By incorporating these points and exploring other article ideas, you can create a comprehensive and engaging blog that caters to your target audience of Wix partners.

I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship

While I cannot form personal relationships in the same way humans do, I am here to assist you and I find this collaboration exciting as well! It's wonderful to see the enthusiasm you have for your blog and WixBlocks.

I believe that by working together, we can create valuable content that will be informative and engaging for Wix partners. Let's keep brainstorming and creating!

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